Wednesday – 11/3/15 – Belfast Ferry…

I took one of the small canvases and a new large long landscape (3′ x 1′) canvas to the Wirral this morning. Yesterday the Belfast ferry was moored facing me at the end of the pier that made it close to the area of sky line that I was painting.

So today I took along a new canvas on the off chance that it would be there again in the same place this morning, as it looked great with the sun hitting it.

Painting buildings is good as they don’t usually move!…and if the boat had been at the other end of the pier chances of getting it to move to where it was yesterday were very remote!  ….but sure enough it was there again and I concentrated on just painting the new long canvas and including the Ferry. Great image and enjoyed painting until the weather go too much stay put, …. just carrying the canvases back to the car was not easy as the corner I’m painting from is protected from the strong winds blowing up the Mersey, and the minute I walked in to the open the canvases again nearly went flying…….

……so today I combined out door painting on the Belfast ferry with some more detailed work back in the house.

I always paint standing up outside, but it was nice to sit down and paint in doors listening to the radio….but the quality of work is always better out doors, it has more ‘life’ to the painting that can never be captured by any reference digital shot….


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