
Paintings of London, Paris, New York, Venice by Dominic Burkhalter
Both in paperback and hardback, here you will find over 70 paintings by Dominic Burkhalter depicting scenes from London, Paris, New York and Venice. Diverse architectural styles combined with atmospheric cinematic scenes provided a huge source of material for his work.
Now available on Amazon

Paintings of Liverpool by Dominic Burkhalter
Both in paperback and hardback ‘Paintings of Liverpool’ catalogues 70 original oil paintings of Liverpool, The Wirral and Southport by Dominic Burkhalter. 
Now available on Amazon

Paintings of Liverpool by Dominic Burkhalter

ARTFULL: Thoughts, ideas and comments on art and design, reflecting my personal opinions and theories – by Dominic Burkhalter
Both in paperback and hardback ‘Artfull’ is an illustrated record of Dom’s thoughts on art and design, originally written as over eighty blog posts in 2015/2016 when running ‘Domby Gallery’.
Now available on Amazon

ARTFULL: Thoughts, ideas and comments on art and design, reflecting my personal opinions and theories - by Dominic Burkhalter

Books written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter. Available on Amazon.

Listen to Dom reading from a selection of his story books on Youtube

Check Mate! – A Simple Introduction to Chess for Children
A brand new illustrated book that introduces the greatest game in the world to children – Chess! There are over fifty original illustrations that bring all the chess pieces to life. It makes the game easier to understand and fun for the very youngest who may be interested in learning a game that can be with them for all their lives. The book is suitable for early readers or for adults to read the book to their children, even better if there is a chess board available that the child and adult can play a chess match on!
Suitable for children from 5 and up.

Check Mate! A Simple Introduction to Chess for Children written and illustrated by Dominic and Marc Burkhalter
Check Mate! A Simple Introduction to Chess for Children written and illustrated by Dominic and Marc Burkhalter

Jock the Footballing Dog
Jock loved to play football, he was the best dribbler in the local team, the only thing was that he was a dog!
Suitable for children from 5 and up.

Jock the Footballing Dog written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter
Jock the Footballing Dog written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter

The Grocer from Samosa – An island to island love story
A Grocer from Samosa (an island that sadly no longer exists) finds his way to London, England where he finds freedom from his fears and true love. His parrot does the same!
Suitable for children from 5 and up.

The Grocer from Samosa written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter
The Grocer from Samosa written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter

The Irish Pub Space Invasion
For children and young adults, indeed for an any adult who wants an explanation for why there are Irish pubs in every major city across the world (and elsewhere)! Find out why there are leaves on train lines, why we have dry sprouts in school meals and why Alien engine oil has become the most popular Irish drink!
Suitable for children from 5 and up.

The Irish Pub Space Invasion written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter
The Irish Pub Space Invasion written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter

Santa’s Bicycle and the Twelve Days of Christmas
Santa’s reindeer want to watch Christmas TV and don’t want to help deliver the presents, so Santa has to take drastic action!
Suitable for children from 5 and up.

Santa's Bicycle and the Twelve Days of Christmas written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter
Santa’s Bicycle and the Twelve Days of Christmas written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter

It was all just a big Misunderstanding
A book to help clarify a series of silly, confusing mistakes in children’s stories that have painted a number of perfectly good characters in a bad light!
Suitable for children from 5 and up.

It was all just a big misunderstanding written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter
It was all just a big misunderstanding written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter

Penny Goes to Paris
Penny a cat from London travels to Paris unexpectedly and has a big adventure as well as making a new small friend!
Suitable for children from 5 and up.

Penny Goes to Paris written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter
Penny Goes to Paris written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter

Very British Queues
The British love to queue, it shows in their eyes equality and fair play that they pride themselves on! In this book we explore the very many different types of queues that can be found in Britain.
Suitable for children from 9 and up.

Very British Queues written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter
Very British Queues written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter

The Day Polly Lost the Cat
Polly has a relaxing day on a hot summers weekend and loses the cat. Follow her adventure to get it back home before her mum finds out!
Suitable for children from 5 and up.

The Day Polly Lost the Cat written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter
The Day Polly Lost the Cat written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter

A Big Butterfly Hug
The first in the ‘Difficult Stories’ series. Understanding the death of a close family member in a simple story. This book has been written to help adults explain difficult moments in life to children, here we cover the death of a grandparent.
Suitable for children from 5 and up.

A Big Butterfly Hug written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter
A Big Butterfly Hug written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter

The Breaking Tree – Divorce and it’s effect on a child
The second in the ‘Difficult Stories’ series. It tries to explain the impact of divorce on a child in a simple story.
Suitable for children from 9 and up.

The Breaking Tree written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter
The Breaking Tree written and illustrated by Dominic Burkhalter

Dom also published a series of books featuring poems written by Claire’s mum Val Jones…

Poems from Liverpool: Rumi, Tempus Fugit, Breton and other poems by Ms Val Jones

Poems from Liverpool: Rumi, Tempus Fugit, Breton and other poems

Liverpool Poems Part 2 by Ms Val Jones

Liverpool Poems Part Two by Ms Val Jones (Author), Mrs Claire Burkhalter (Editor), Mr Dominic Burkhalter (Illustrator)
Liverpool Poems Part Two by Ms Val Jones (Author), Mrs Claire Burkhalter (Editor), Mr Dominic Burkhalter (Artist)

Liverpool Poems by Ms Val Jones

Liverpool Poems by Ms Val Jones (Author), Mrs Claire Burkhalter (Editor), Mr Dominic Burkhalter (Illustrator)
Liverpool Poems by Ms Val Jones (Author), Mrs Claire Burkhalter (Editor), Mr Dominic Burkhalter (Artist)