Tuesday – 17/3/15 – One big meeting room and a Seagull target…

Forecast was supposed to be good for today, but it was starting to rain this morning as I set off early for the Wirral, but I was lucky the moment I arrived the rain eased off and I was able to get the canvas, easel and paints to the edge of the Mersey with no problems, no need to book a meeting room or charge a laptop, only danger was being a target for low flying seagulls who clearly had seen the Dambusters film one too many times…

….the view was a foggy blur across the Mersey to the iconic Liver building and all the others stretching on the skyline south to the Roman Catholic Cathedral and then the Anglican Cathedral that appears higher on the skyline, and off todays canvas. The scene was definitely very misty and you could hardy see the buildings ….which actually made for a great view to paint.

What colour is mist or fog?… well today it was a grey red, the sky is very rarely blue and the sea not blue or green and on the Mersey it will change colour as a tug goes by churning up the waves behind it.

I remember when I had a flying lesson a few years back in a small plane that was more like a go-kart with wings and a flight to the North West of London which had an evening view of the London skyline and asking the instructor what was the orange hue above the skyline and below the grey-blue summer sky  – he said it was pollution!….nice….next time you see the sun rise or sun set over a major city, have a look at all the loads of interesting colours, unfortunately some of them we would all be better off with out!

Today’s work below, probably my favourite work of the last couple of weeks…(Approx. 3 x 1 foot canvas)…



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